Allright, so I have uploaded a photo, some links to photo's, and look out world, here I come.
Trevor and Rick are making french toast for breakfast.
So a little up date on my life. We found a nice church to go to in Huntington, Utah. The Pastor there is amazing. He truly wants to help people and is really involved with the congregation. Rick and I had lunch with him and his wife on Sunday, where he asked me to be on the worship team. So I am now on the worship team for our church, good luck to me. Things are going well in Castle Dale, it is sometimes weird to be cack here.
It is hard to have Rick so very far away, but at least he only works 4 10's so he comes home Thursday night.
Trevor is growing like a weed. It is amazing how fast he can grow. One day he can barely walk, and the next day he is running circles around me. He is a joy everyday, even with the challenges and patience testers.
So this summer we have gone camping and 4-wheeling, a lot!! It's a good thing Trevor loves it as much as we do. I think he loves the fact that there is so much space to run around in and no matter how far he goes he can still see me.
Other than that not much is going on. I babysit a little boy twice a week, which is so good for Trevor. He was really starting to get that "first child" complex, where he thinks the world was made soley for him. I think this will make it a heck of a lot easier when/if we are blessed with another child.